
Class 5 EVS Quiz 1 for Chapter Super Senses

A healthy human can sense its environment and its internal state through dozens of channels. Animals have different senses. We call those senses as super senses. 

• They can see, hear, taste, smell and feel.
• Some animals can see their prey from far away.
• Some animals can hear the faintest sound.
• Some animals can find their friends by their smell.

This quiz will help student to learn about animal amazing senses and their behaviour.

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EVS Class 5

NCERT Class 5 EVS Quiz 1: Chapter Super Senses

1 / 15

1. How many times a tiger can see better than us at night?

2 / 15

2. _______ does not have ears.

3 / 15

3. Some birds have to turn their neck to_______.

4 / 15

4. Silkworm can find its female by its

5 / 15

5. Which of the following animals is endangered?

6 / 15

6. Why elephants are killed?

7 / 15

7. What is the name of this bird?


8 / 15

8. What is our National Animal?

9 / 15


Animals that are awake at night can see objects only in ______ color

10 / 15

10. what is the sleeping time of python?

11 / 15

11. Ants leave behind a ___________ when they move.

12 / 15

12. Ants move in a line because of their sense of

13 / 15

13. Dogs mark their areas by

14 / 15

14. Name of the bird which has eyes in the front of its head.

15 / 15

15. Eagles can see ____ times as far as we can.

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The average score is 72%


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